Saturday, November 22, 2008

A friend of mine ...

... has told everyone including me that he is a singer and he told me that he wished more people could hear it. I am lucky that I get to grant this wish of his, this is for you my good friend. Here is his music link ...

Its Christian-based music and I guess if you all want to give him compliments about his music, thats if you want too, you can say them in the comments page and I can easily pass it on to him for you all and say something like this ....

'You are a great artist' - Annonymous

My good friend, you are a great artist, I consider you are the best Christian artist I have heard so far.

HazelAngel or Animal Lover ... you can call me either.

Im back from CF and I have some ratings I want to share ...

... and CFs rating is among them ... lets begin and they are all Christian related Websites :)

Christ First Forums and RPG
1,329 members, 13 social groups, 3,496 threads, 145,308 posts
The staff there are very kind and friendly and that is the same with the people there
Rating : 10/10 - excellent
Why this rating is how it is : I have good friends there, everyone there is really nice, when I left for a week or 2 they all missed me and wanted me back. The staff there are very friendly and absolutly 100% kind. The people there are cool and it has a very good reputation. It has staff that are very kind, it has people e.g Daffodilly who are cool and kind, it has a good reputation, good amount of posts, good amount of social groups,
Link ~

and this one ....

Final Fantasy - World Of Eden
13 members, 1 social group, 94 threads, 230 posts
I am a mod there and the staff are really friendly
Rating : 10/10 - excellent
Why rating is how it is : The staff there are really nice and friendly, the people there are cool and good, very good reputation, very good staff too. Allthough started in November this website is off the charts for me. Not much ppl know about it but as far as I am concerned this website is off the charts, good people, good staff, good reputation, nice and friendly staff, cool and good people, what else can you wish for in a forum??? As far as I am concerned this website deserves all its members, posts, threads, reputation and staff because this website is like Gods4me
Link ~