Sunday, November 25, 2007

Wanna learn more about Ayla and Jondalar ....

.... from the Clan of the Cave Bear series or more appropriate named as the 'Earths Children' series. Well here is a few websites, one for each of them about their long told life. Aylas one mentions her 2 children, Durc and Jonayla, and Jondalars one mentions her family and a bit about Durc, but some information about his daughter Jonayla. Well here are those websites, they are done by Wikipedia a website I truely adore and have come to love. Down the bottom is a Others page, both Jondalar, Jonayla and Ayla are one of the others, or otherwise known 2 us as Cro-Magnons, the Clan is known as the Neanderthals. Durc is half Clan and half one of the Others or otherwise he is half Cro-Magnon and half Neanderthal if anyone wants 2 know, Durcs father is Broud if anyone else wants 2 know but Broud is the one person that forces Ayla out of the Clan, he becomes leader after Brun. Brun and Uba told Ayla that they would protect her son from the evil rath of Broud, the one person whom Ayla despised and grew 2 hate.

Aylas Wikipedia page :

Jondalars Wikipedia page :

The Others (Neanderthal) Wikipedia Page :

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