Monday, August 4, 2008

My 20th birthday :)

I am so happy today just to say that I am finally a adult. I guess it is a day I have waited for my whole entire life and I am happy because I am finally a adult. I can say this, CF rocks, so does the ppl on the CB. I know I am inviting friends (special friends) on my 21st birthday and there is one person whom I am going to invite. Danstar, dpadre, redneck, Utah & luv if ur reading this u guys rock. Those r some of my good friends on the CB, its the same with Viper, Breezy, Crujir, ~Starmaker~, scjohnson, missdancerama, kittystorm, 2scoops, TimRout, Ctay, Gazelle & Martinique - u guys totally rock in CF (Christian Forums) and the CB (ChatBox).

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