At James's 21st party there was a whole lot of food. Kirsten was organising a photo board with all these photos of my uncle James on it. We had a pig on a spit, the pigs name was 'Crunchy'. The breed of pig was a Kunekune and while it was cooking James was peeling off the crackling. You can see a picture of him doing it with 'Crunchy'. He has a couple of Kunekune piglets, and the same fate is what is going to happen to those Kunekune piglets when they are old enough. Melee was excited to see Poppa. Here is a photo to prove it.

She got a bit upset in the end with Poppa tickling her so she went over to Mum for a cuddle. She loved Freddy and she called it at one stage Sas (short for Sasquach, my one of my poppas gun dog, Freddy belongs to my uncle James.) She was also pleased to see Meg (my poppas other gun dog who is only a pup) and Sas. Out of all the gun dogs my Poppa has had and the dogs that I have seen and met with a big slobbery kiss from the dog while the dog had his paws on my shoulders, a nice friendly welcome for any other dog lover out there. Next time we go to see my Poppa I will ask mum if she can take a photo of Sas, Meg and of course the cheerful Freddy (who can sometimes be a bit grumpy) altogether so that means you can see what they all look like. Reuben played the Rowan Tree which is a lovely Scottish song that you can play on the bagpipes and at the end he played Happy Birthday to my uncle James. Poppa was carrying the pig around to where it was supposed to go with James, I can definatly tell that Poppa was impressed with Reuben playing the pipes. Here is a picture of him playing Happy Birthday.

They told some stories about James while Poppa was carving up the pig. Before that happened Poppa did a speech about James, he was remarkable with telling speeches. The pork was delicious, especially the crackling. I had crackling, pork and a bit of bread. Then the desert came, it was delicious. While having my pudding I played a game of pool, practised it but wasn't good at it. After pudding Poppa showed Breezsha how good he was at playing the guitar. She played a couple of cords. Poppa played a beautifull song. He was never taught to play with sheet music but if you wanted someone to play a good song, I could ask my poppa to play a song and he would play one just for me. Here is a picture of him playing his guitar in the house where he lived.

This is what happened at my uncle James's party where my Poppa lives. It was a lovely party and if it happened again I would love to be there what ever the cost or time. Well thats all I have to say about this party.
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