in May Poss gave birth to 8 cute puppies, unfortunatly one died, what a sad moment for us :( but the other 7 pups r healthy, happy and very playfull. My fav one is little Barahwolfe Blackberry Smoke and his and the other 6 pups names r yet to b confirmed :) I can say this though, the pup that died was called Wombat and I know he couldnt survive but I guess it is for the best that he died otherwise he would b sufferin right now o:) Here is some photos of the pups now and of course my fav pup of all :)
cute puppies though.
Thanku, they r Sweedish Vallhunds. As far as I know the three girls r sold and the rest r still waiting for a owner, that is how far bout the pups I know mathaytace_christou.
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