Saturday, December 30, 2006
Happy New Year
Happy New Year for 2007. I wish you the best for the new year all people who check on my blog. Will update these blogs I have through 2007 and many years bey0nd this year.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Big Cat Blog

Have created a new blog for all those big cat lovers out there who absolutly love big cats and other animals out there in the world as well.
Hope you like the blog and also you can post comments about that blog as well. I hope all my blogs are meeting your expectations of a good blog. You may ask questions about big cats and I will hapily answer those questions for you.
Hope you like the blog and also you can post comments about that blog as well. I hope all my blogs are meeting your expectations of a good blog. You may ask questions about big cats and I will hapily answer those questions for you.
Comments & Questions.
I have been checking since every day to find no comments or questions what so ever. This blog is just saying if you want to put comments or questions on this blog you can do it, you are welcome to by all means. Thats all I have to say on this blog so far and wait for my next blog, I don't know what it is about.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
My new blog (Animal Lovers only)

Have created another blog for those interested in animal rights and welfare across the globe. Feel free to explore the site as soon as you can if you want too. It is my way of connecting to other animal lovers across the globe about animal rights and stuff about animals happening in New Zealand where I live. New Zealand before it was inhabited was a place for birds of all sizes, reptiles of the unique kinds such as the Tuatara, the creepy crawlys of the insect world such as the Giant Weta, and home to some mammals on the land but a whole lot in the ocean near New Zealand such as the rarest but smallest dolphin in the whole world, the Hectors Dolphin. Here is a picture of right beside this recent blog, and the new web adress is below this recent blog.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
My Mums blogs.
My mum has a couple of ones, one for Barah Wolf (our Sweedish Vallhund group) where we are soon going to be selling them for $1,000 NZ dollars, excludes shipping and handling and one for Pukeko Swamp Art Studio (her one for selling her artwork on Trademe). Her artwork and the Sweedish Vallhunds are only sold in New Zealand. Here is the Barah Wolf adress.
Here is the Pukeko Swamp Art Studio adress.
Have fun watching and learning about Pukeko Swamp artwork and Sweedish Vallhunds. Will make another blog when I have time so you can have a good look at the blog once I have finished creating it.
Here is the Pukeko Swamp Art Studio adress.
Have fun watching and learning about Pukeko Swamp artwork and Sweedish Vallhunds. Will make another blog when I have time so you can have a good look at the blog once I have finished creating it.
Brand New Clothes.

After Auntie Kirsten moved out of her flat in the nearest city closest to us she gave mum some clothing for me and Breezsha, only one thing was for Melee. It was like going to a mall and buying clothes including trying things on in the changing sheds all in our very own homes. Mum took some photos of me wearing them, she thought of the poses for these 2 photos on this blog. I am wearing clothes that came from China, even the black leather jacket I am wearing came from China too.
My Auntie Kirstens Graduation

My Auntie Kirsten just graduated from University in the nearest city where we live. Here is a picture of her before graduating standing right beside Poppa. I think she looked wicked with the gown and Poppa standing right beside her. My poppa was pulling funny faces though and claimed to say that he was a sponsor of the University that she went to, so people said are you but he said he might as well be so a tunnel was created through the crouds of people in the tent that they were in.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Merry Xmas & Plans for 2007
Happy holidays everyone who read my blog and I wish you all a merry xmas and a happy new year. If anyone from any school that I have been, I wish you all good luck for the future even though I am not in the schools right now. For 2007 I will be working on corospondence to do with animals but I will be checking and updating my blog nearly every day.
Sara Cohen School
I don't mean to brag but I have been to a really cool school by the name of Sara Cohen School and if anyone from that school is reading this, your school rocks. I mean it. It is a nice place to be when it is your second, third or fourth school. It was my fourth school and it was a great school. New Zealands ERO if you are reading what I have to say about this school, it has nice staff and students and is a nice school with a great environment for kids with disabilitys. Before I went to this school I had never met anyone in a wheelchair but when I got to the school and visited I saw people with different disabilities in wheelchairs, I thought hey some of them are like me and I would get to know them a little more. When I visited this school and first walked into the hall there was a boy with a wheelchair and he said hi, of course I said hi back. It was much more pleasant than the entrance at Salisbury School. When I first went to Salisbury School only a couple of girls were there in the living room of Parker Cottage, and then a whole lot of girls came through the door dressed in school uniforms, it looked like a big herd of wildebeast that had ran through the cottage. Sara Cohen school was nothing compared to that, it was like meeting all the students there and I felt like I was in a good school for the very first time. I have made a whole lot of friends there and I want to stay friends with everyone. Some of these friends are my best friends, thats only a handfull. They all like animals such as tigers and bears but oh well. I am going to name my best friends but not one. Nadia, Michael, James and everyone from Room 3 at the school are all my friends including Samantha. At this school everyone wears mufty every day and I like it that way. Thankyou Sara Cohen School for having me at the school in 2005. It was a really lovely year in 2005 (its in my memories, that year) and I never wanted to leave the school okay. Nadia if you are reading this the farewell speech that you gave about me and of course to me nearly had me in tears.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Lightsaber Magic
Here is how to make a picture of you holding a lightsaber for all you Star Wars fans who want a picture on their blog or profile with you holding a lightsaber with Paint Shop Pro 7 and a digi camera. First step, take a good photo of yourself with different poses, faces and with a whole lot of room for the lightsaber to show in your picture using the digi camera. For this picture I chose the Darth Sidius Look with the black cloak, not robe by using a black sheet. My other hand is holding the sheet together so you don't see my clothes underneath the black sheet.
Second step, choose which one you would like for your profile and then you look for the colour white. I used a pure white, a good colour choice for this lightsaber. Once you have it try and design it how you want. With Paint Shop Pro 6 choose how you want it and cut the part in the image. With freehand make sure the feather is 60 before you start doing this. Cut out the place for the lightsaber so it looks like so with my lightsaber. I chose a swooshing shape for my lightsaber.
The second step is copy that image and paste it onto another image for the final step.
After this you use the magic wand for a bit of magic. You choose the colour that you want for the lightsaber to be. I chose a deep purple for my lightsaber. The feather on the paint brush must be 10 and the tolerance 15. Cut the lightsaber out until you have the colour with a bit of the white left over. After that the next step in the lightsaber cycle is the white with the shape you want the lightsaber to be and paste it where it was suposed to go before you cut out the colour and walaa, you have made your own picture of you holding a lightsaber. This is what my lightsaber picture has turned out to be.

Good luck making your own picture of the lightsaber fellow Star Wars fans with Paint Shop Pro 7.
Melee Lightsaber.
my one underway just
yet. I will have to do it
myself, anyway he has
done Melees one so here
is the before and after
ones of Melee holding a
red lightsaber.
Lightsaber Editing

My brother had a tricky thing to do today, take pictures of Melee, Alice, me and him holding the blow stem from his chanter and editing the photos to make it look like the person is holding a lightsaber. We did different poses, I will put another one of these with the before and after photos of Melee and me holding the lightsaber. In fact I will ask him to take it step by step for you so if you are a Star Wars fan and you like lightsabers and taking pictures with a camera you can take a photo of yourself with a stick or a long object so that means it can make it look like with Paint Shop Pro 6, you can hold a lightsaber. Here are some recent ones my brother Reuben did today.
Monday, December 11, 2006
'Breezsha and Murphy "best buddies" (owner and dog)'

Breezsha and Murphy are like best buddies even though one is a dog and one is a human. Murphy really likes Breezsha and when ever she calls him Murphy instantly comes running to her, that is the same with others. It is a remarkable bond like Lassie and the boy in the movie 'Lassie'. It is one of the bonds that you get with a owner and a dog. You may think that people can not have that bond but by the way Murphy acts with Breezsha I can see the bond in Murphys eyes. You may think that there are a whole lot of bonds out there and I reccon that you are right. Up the top is a recent photo of both Breezsha and Murphy taken just yesterday, Murphy almost looks as if he is smiling at the camera with Breezsha holding him.
Saturday, December 9, 2006
NZ Animals

A couple of my favourite New Zealand animals are not quite as famous as they feel. One is a really wicked but awesome NZ bird called the Kaka and the other is the Kea. I have another quite famous bird by the name of the North Island Kokako 'one of the wattlebirds that used to live/live in New Zealand. The reason why I typed 'used to live/live in NZ' is because the other two, one is extinct and the other is on offshore islands. The photo of the South Island Kaka ' the one at the top' was really friendly, it was so friendly it let us stroke its beak and feathers. I only stroked its beak. My mum recconed that it was bigger than it looked but it was smaller than mum thought it was.
'Reuben, My Wickedly Cool Brother'

Reuben is such a good bagpiper, I think he is the best piper in the world. He likes playing little fighter and his 2 best friends are Lewis and Steele whom I am not going to mention in this part of my blog. He has a Game Boy Micro which he plays with nearly every day and he likes to watch 'House' and one of my dads favourite programmes 'Top Gear' as well as watching a late night programme on TV one on a Monday by the name of 'Billy Connolly tours New Zealand' which me and my mum likes to watch daily. He is such a lovely boy and he likes to earn money by busking on our nearest city streets, and busking on our nearest town streets as well.
'Louis, Reubens Best Friend'
Reuben has a good freind by the name of Louis. He is a really cool dude who can ride bikes really fast. He is good at doing wheelies on adult sized and kid sized bikes. He can swing really high on the swing. He comes around basicly every day and he is our next door neighbour because Reuben likes to hang around his place a whole lot of the time, basicly every day. He is a uncle to one of his sisters kids and I bet when they are 4 or 5 they will think he rocks the whole planet around. He likes to play on our computer when Reuben lets him play games such as Little Fighter 2.5. Little Fighter is a game which Reuben, Alice, Louis and I like to play.
Thursday, December 7, 2006
My friends.
Hello again. Here I am to write another blog 4 u to read. I have not talked about my friends on this blog but now I am going to talk about them right now. My friends are great people. When I make friends I count whats in the inside (the kindness) not the outside (good looks). Some of them are disabled, even some are in wheelchairs but I don't care at all. Some are normal people just like you and me and all my friends are always my good friends no matter what. I have a few enemies but mostly a whole lot of friends from Rapaura School, Sara Cohen School & Salisbury School, that's what matters most doesn't it. Some even like animals (the whole of Room 3), and some like my baby sister Melee (Nadia and Michael) and the rest of my family as well as me. I like all my friends, including the disabled with wheelchairs (Matthew and Kristal including Blair and Samantha). It makes me special when I think I have friends that are always there for me and look out for me and my other friends no matter what.
Murphy and Possum.

We have 2 dogs at home and their names are Possum and Murphy. One day we will get Possum and Murphy to mate to have more puppies. Their breed name is Sweedish Vallhunds. There is a picture on the top of this blog with them, Murphy is the puppy if you wanted to know which one was Possum and Murphy. Breezsha is with them, she is the half owner of Murphy, and my Mum is the other half owner of Murphy. When Breezsha leaves to start her own life from home Mum will be the full owner of Murphy. Possum was born on the day Peter (Possum) Bourne died, thankfully Greg Murphy (the name sake of Murphy) is dead. Murphys father is Irish and another dog with a racing driver name would fit with another racing driver name (Possum) would fit in the family so that is how we got the name for Murphy. Sweedish Vallhunds are the aincent ansestor of the corgie, they are ancient Viking cattle dogs. When the Vikings sailed to find land for themselves these dogs came along with them to round up the cattle. There are 200 of these dogs in New Zealand, most of these dogs are spayed and neutered not left to breed. That's the information about the breed by the name 'Sweedish Vallhund'.

These are my 2 youngest coolest of cool sisters by the names of Alice and Melee. They are really sweet although Melee likes to turn the modem off when I am on the computer. They are like best friends although they were born 6 years and 4 months apart from each other. They like playing on the swings and Melee especially likes pushing her on the swing. Melee is like a little sweet angel born from heaven above and that's the same with Alice but Alice is has a bit of a baby bunny face when she smiles, oh so cute. They are really cute when they smile, just like little bunny rabbits popping their heads out of the burrow when they first see the world with their own eyes, not their mothers eyes. I really love them so much. They really look cute in the photo above this blog of my two cool sisters with cushions surrounding them on the couch we have at home. Alice and Melee this is a dedication especially just 4 u if you are reading this.
My Mum

Hello. Its me again. My mum has been a inspiration to me by being such a great artist and inspiring role model to all of us kids, including me, Melee and Alice. You may think she is just a ordinary mum doing ordinary jobs but she is not. She does magnificent artwork and I would really like to thank her for what she has done for being a mum and selling her paintings that she paints every day just like normal artist, our home is her studio. The types of animals that she likes to paint are NZ animals. She is always my inspiration and I hope to be like her one day, thats if you are reading this Mum. I love her artistic talent and I wish I could paint just like her to raise money for schools around the world having to deal with disabled students and believe me, that is a really hard job, just having to look after a student every day while they are at school just like one of my friends by the name of Matthew and Kristal. Another thing I would sell my paintings 4 is to raise money for santuarys for endangered species of animals, a couple of these would be the tiger and the hectors dolphin. There is a picture of her at the top of this blog if you want to know what she looks like. She helped me start this blog, I wouldn't be here talking to you about my family right now at this moment. With her help she has helped me become a strong and indipendant woman that I am today.
My sisters and my brother.

Hi. Its me again. I am going to tell you about my 3 sisters and my brother. I have a dad and a biological father. My mum divorced my biological father with me, Breezsha and Reuben in tow right behind her. My mum then met another man (my dad right now) and then she had Alice. After Mum and Dad had Alice she wed my dad and then Melee came along. I am 18 right now, my first sister is 15, my brother is 12, my second sister is 8 and my third sister is 2. Reuben, Breezsha and I have had a long way to go to get where we are now. The farthest I have been in NZ is Whangarei, North Island and the lowest I have been in NZ is Gore, South Island. Alice and Melee have only been in the South Island but Reuben, Breezsha and I have been in the North Island and South Island.
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
My Cat and My Favourite Animals (sea and land animals)
Hello. My favourite sea animal is of course the dolphin, the land animal is the biggest cat in the world (the tiger). I have been at Sara Cohen School for 1 year and had 2 years at Salisbury School. I have Augsburg's Syndrome but that doesn't make me different from you. If you look up 'Augsburg's Syndrome' in the Google website you will find out what I have. I defiantly love cats, and have my own and he is the wickedest cat in the whole entire world. I luv him really much. His name is Garfield and no he doesn't look like his namesake at all. He is very athletic and he likes to catch animals in the paddock right beside our house. While I am typing this blog he is on my lap rubbing his head on my hands.
... A word from Hazel
I have lots of ideas and thoughts. This is my new blog so that I might share every day my thoughts and ideas with the universe.
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