Here is how to make a picture of you holding a lightsaber for all you Star Wars fans who want a picture on their blog or profile with you holding a lightsaber with Paint Shop Pro 7 and a digi camera. First step, take a good photo of yourself with different poses, faces and with a whole lot of room for the lightsaber to show in your picture using the digi camera. For this picture I chose the Darth Sidius Look with the black cloak, not robe by using a black sheet. My other hand is holding the sheet together so you don't see my clothes underneath the black sheet.

Second step, choose which one you would like for your profile and then you look for the colour white. I used a pure white, a good colour choice for this lightsaber. Once you have it try and design it how you want. With Paint Shop Pro 6 choose how you want it and cut the part in the image. With freehand make sure the feather is 60 before you start doing this. Cut out the place for the lightsaber so it looks like so with my lightsaber. I chose a swooshing shape for my lightsaber.

The second step is copy that image and paste it onto another image for the final step.

After this you use the magic wand for a bit of magic. You choose the colour that you want for the lightsaber to be. I chose a deep purple for my lightsaber. The feather on the paint brush must be 10 and the tolerance 15. Cut the lightsaber out until you have the colour with a bit of the white left over. After that the next step in the lightsaber cycle is the white with the shape you want the lightsaber to be and paste it where it was suposed to go before you cut out the colour and walaa, you have made your own picture of you holding a lightsaber. This is what my lightsaber picture has turned out to be.

Good luck making your own picture of the lightsaber fellow Star Wars fans with Paint Shop Pro 7.
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