We have 2 dogs at home and their names are Possum and Murphy. One day we will get Possum and Murphy to mate to have more puppies. Their breed name is Sweedish Vallhunds. There is a picture on the top of this blog with them, Murphy is the puppy if you wanted to know which one was Possum and Murphy. Breezsha is with them, she is the half owner of Murphy, and my Mum is the other half owner of Murphy. When Breezsha leaves to start her own life from home Mum will be the full owner of Murphy. Possum was born on the day Peter (Possum) Bourne died, thankfully Greg Murphy (the name sake of Murphy) is dead. Murphys father is Irish and another dog with a racing driver name would fit with another racing driver name (Possum) would fit in the family so that is how we got the name for Murphy. Sweedish Vallhunds are the aincent ansestor of the corgie, they are ancient Viking cattle dogs. When the Vikings sailed to find land for themselves these dogs came along with them to round up the cattle. There are 200 of these dogs in New Zealand, most of these dogs are spayed and neutered not left to breed. That's the information about the breed by the name 'Sweedish Vallhund'.
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