Hello. Its me again. My mum has been a inspiration to me by being such a great artist and inspiring role model to all of us kids, including me, Melee and Alice. You may think she is just a ordinary mum doing ordinary jobs but she is not. She does magnificent artwork and I would really like to thank her for what she has done for being a mum and selling her paintings that she paints every day just like normal artist, our home is her studio. The types of animals that she likes to paint are NZ animals. She is always my inspiration and I hope to be like her one day, thats if you are reading this Mum. I love her artistic talent and I wish I could paint just like her to raise money for schools around the world having to deal with disabled students and believe me, that is a really hard job, just having to look after a student every day while they are at school just like one of my friends by the name of Matthew and Kristal. Another thing I would sell my paintings 4 is to raise money for santuarys for endangered species of animals, a couple of these would be the tiger and the hectors dolphin. There is a picture of her at the top of this blog if you want to know what she looks like. She helped me start this blog, I wouldn't be here talking to you about my family right now at this moment. With her help she has helped me become a strong and indipendant woman that I am today.
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